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Bnova Akruti 2 Stage Non RO | Water purifiers Developed by BARC Govt of India | Alkaline + Active Copper Water Purifiers for Home and Office| UF Non Electric Filter Purifier – 1 Piece

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Bnova Akruti 2 Stage Non RO | Water purifiers Developed by BARC Govt of India | Alkaline + Active Copper Water Purifiers for Home and Office| UF Non Electric Filter Purifier – 1 Piece

Product Description

B.Nova Akruti UF Technology with Active Copper + Alkaline Technology | storage Non-Electric for home and office UF technology developed BARC


B.Nova Akruti UF Technology with Active Copper + Alkaline Technology | storage Non-Electric for home and office UF technology developed BARC

Water Purifier is based on non electric Filter for Drinking water in home. •

This water purifier based on ultra filtration membrane technology ( licensed by BARC Govt of India). •This technology is more advance with compare to UV water purifier as has advantage of removing turbidity and it is self maintenance technology easily maintain at home no technician is required for maintenance. •

Non electric water purifiers removes bacteria , virus , spores , turbidity. •

Its wall mountable and online water filter purifier. •

Benefits Of Copper


Benefits Of Copper

· Make red blood cells.· Keep nerve cells healthy.· Support your immune system.· Form collagen, a protein that helps make up your bones and tissues.· Protect cells from damage.· Absorb iron into your body.· Turn sugar into energy.· Helps in Reducing Acidity

We Understand Customer Needs


We Understand Customer Needs

We Understand Customer Wants.

1. Less maintenance

2. Chemical Free water

3.Worth every single penny customer spend

4.every drop purity and surety for the same.

5.excellent customer Support

6 user friendly product

Five reasons why you should purify your drinking water

5 reason5 reason

Five reasons why you should purify your drinking water

1 Add an extra layer of security

In most industrialized countries, municipal water treatment systems are usually quite effective. However public water treatment is not infallible. There is an increasing numbers of incidents where contaminants from pollution, lead from outdated or faulty water pipes or residue from the use of pesticides have found their way into the tap water. Extraordinary weather conditions, such as heavy rainfall, can also put a strain on municipal water treatment facilities.

Therefore, it is not unreasonable to want an extra layer of security to supplement your local or municipal water treatment. You can do this by using a household water purification which can remove a wide range of impurities from the water and will help ensure that you will not end up drinking unsafe water.

2 Remove unwanted contaminants

Lead, pesticides, bacteria, viruses and many more physical, find their way into the water supply. It is virtually impossible to remove all traces of contaminants from your water, so the local water authorities regulate how much of a specific substance it is acceptable for the water to contain.

While water that lives up to these standards is usually considered safe to drink, you may have your own preference for how high a level of contaminants you feel comfortable having your drinking water contain. A private water purification lets you set your own limits.

3 Protect your health

Drinking water containing bacteria and viruses can lead to serious health issues and diseases such as diarrhea, cholera and dysentery. If you live in an area where such diseases are a risk, the most effective way to protect yourself is by using ultra filtration water purification.

4 Cut back on plastic to protect the environment

Drinking tap water is not only cheap. According to the European Commission, access to better quality water can reduce bottled water consumption by 17%. By installing a home water purification system, consumers can access clean drinking water directly in the home.

5 Improve the taste and odor of your tap water

Being able to drink fresh and clear water with a refreshing taste and no unpleasant odor can have a big impact on your wellbeing and quality of life. One of the most common complaints about tap water taste involves chlorine, which is an essential disinfectant used around the world. When it comes to odor the most irritating is that of hydrogen sulphide. It smells like rotten eggs.

Water purification can not only help remove harmful containment but also improve the taste, smell and visual appearance of your drinking water. It reduces the amount of chlorine, soil residue, and organic and inorganic substances.

uv ufuv uf

How UF Purifiers are Better Than UV Purifiers

Problem Of UV Water Purifiers

Requires electricity to workRequires running water. UV water purifier takes inlet from connected running water tap.Kills waterborne diseases causing bacteria, viruses and pathogens, but their bodies still remain in purified water.Water must be free from mud, turbidity. With turbidity water, UV does not work properly, even turbidity water damages UV lamp.

Benefits of Bnova Alkaline UF Water Purifier Developed By BARC

No need of electricity.No need of running water. Basically UF water purifiers are gravity based (topside container for raw, unpurified water, downside container for purified water). New models are coming with running tap water alsoBlocks and removes bacteria and viruses. Germs are trapped in UF filter, during manual water purifier cleaning theses germs are flushed out.UF highly capable to purify mud, turbidity water.

B.Nova Akruti UF Technology with Active Copper + Alkaline Technology | storage Non-Electric for home and office UF technology developed BARC

Bnova AkrutiBnova Akruti

Bnova Water PurifierBnova Water Purifier

Bnova AkrutiBnova Akruti

This technology is more advance with compare to UV water

Water Purifier is based on non electric Filter for Drinking water in home. •

This water purifier based on ultra filtration membrane technology ( licensed by BARC Govt of India). •This technology is more advance with compare to UV water purifier as has advantage of removing turbidity and it is self maintenance technology easily maintain at home no technician is required for maintenance. •

Non electric water purifiers removes bacteria , virus , spores , turbidity. •

Its wall mountable and online water filter purifier.

Chemical Free

This filter does not use any chemical used for purification which is based on ultra filtration membrane technology ( licensed by BARC Govt of India). thereby providing healthier and tastier drinking water. •

Its best and low maintenance cost water filter for home compare to other brand as has long service life up to 21000 Ltr water. •

Low Cost Of Operation

Pure drinking water cost is around as low as 4 paisa as its gravity based filter works without electricity. •This is the best ultra filtration membrane technology ( licensed by BARC Govt of India). water purifier best suitable for tap water, well water , river water, low tds water below 500, municipal water. •Maintains natural test of water. Pioneer in Water Technology Is A Leader In UV and UF Water Purification Technology •Designed this Best Water Purifier System

Easy To Install Easy To Maintain Easy To Operate


Easy To Install Easy To Maintain Easy To Operate

Bnova Alkaline Water Purifier are developed in such a way that it can be easily operate and maintain by any individual without any technical knowledge.

Many times customer as to pay extra due to he is not able to maintain unit by himself and needed technician or a technical person . Water purifiers which are available of other brand need technical person . But in case of Bnova no technical person is require with our dedicated online support and all troubleshooting YouTube video any person can maintain unit easily with easy cleaning process.

If water Stops coming customer just have to open the bowl with the help of spanner which is provided by the Company. Company provides all necessary equipment such as spanner for opening, Sponge for cleaning .Customer as to open the bowl and clean Uf Membrane on which all impurities are deposited as shown in image. customer as to open the bowl clean with Sponge and again tighten the bowl that’s it water starts again

Simple cleaning process

Based on Ultra Filtration Membrane Technology 0.01 Micron developed by BARC Govt. of India
Low & Self Maintained Non Electric
Alkaline + Active Copper Water Purifier For Home and Office
Alkaline ,Antioxidant & Anti Bacterial | Make red blood cells | Keep nerve cells healthy | Support your immune system.
Chemical Free Purest Water Flow 15 to 20 Liter Per hour
Form collagen, a protein that helps make up your bones and tissues | Protect cells from damage | Absorb iron into your body | Turn sugar into energy
Contact us for service and warranty support on 9272212212/13
As this purifier does not affect TDS and increase pH of water to more than 8 which is good for our human body it helps to retain essential minerals such as calcium, magnesium which are essential for growth and balance of human body.
Pure drinking water cost is around as low as 4 paisa as its gravity based filter works without electricity.
This is the best ultra filtration membrane technology ( licensed by BARC Govt of India). water purifier best suitable for tap water, well water , river water, low tds water below 500, municipal water.

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Bnova Akruti 2 Stage Non RO | Water purifiers Developed by BARC Govt of India | Alkaline + Active Copper Water Purifiers for Home and Office| UF Non Electric Filter Purifier – 1 Piece
Bnova Akruti 2 Stage Non RO | Water purifiers Developed by BARC Govt of India | Alkaline + Active Copper Water Purifiers for Home and Office| UF Non Electric Filter Purifier – 1 Piece

Original price was: ₹2,500.00.Current price is: ₹1,499.00.

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